Say Cheese! Wedding Cheese Cake

by Sue
(East of the Mississippi)

A wedding cheese cake?

Not the most traditional wedding cake, but a luscious yummy one all the same.

You see, I love (no I adore) cheesecake. Anytime, any place, for any reason. So my wedding was no exception.

Plus, to be honest my beloved and I were on a very tight, strict budget so my Mom provided us with the perfect solution for an amazing wedding cake. She would make it for us for absolutely nothing! (Paying nothing is wonderful when you are already stretched to the limits on a meager wedding budget.)

She made us a four tier wedding cheese cake! It was beautifully decorated with a lovely bouquet of flowers from her garden around each tier and a spectacular bunch centered right on the top.

Although the cheese cake was simple with just a light frosting of smooth cream cheese perched on graduated tiers, surrounded by real vines and flowers; I have to say that it was by far the most elegant and delicious wedding cake ever.

It is the personal touches to a wedding like this one that make lasting memories that continue to make you smile and truly appreciative for years after.

My Mom passed away a few years ago, but every time I see the cheese cake pans she used for our wedding cake carefully stacked in my pantry, I can't help but smile and silently thank her for adding such beauty and uniqueness to our wedding.

For Over 30 Years I'm Still Happily Married to My Knight in Shining Armor,


P.S. Say Cheese!

Cheesecake Ideas

Cheesecakes are great for Wedding Cakes and Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.

GIFT IDEA: Make small cheesecakes in 6 inch, or any small pans. Bake, freeze and wrap until ready to use. Top them with chocolate ganache or fresh fruit. Box them up and wrap them with a ribbon, and you have a gorgeous and delicious gift. I do it every year for Christmas.

You don't need springform pans for these. I use whatever little pans I have and make a bunch all at once. Double the recipe at the link below and you will make 8-6 inch cakes.

The very best cheesecake recipe on this website!

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Jan 27, 2010
Good old fashion cakes
by: jpondry

I love cakes hands down especially the good old fashion butter cream icing type. It is quite sad that many bakeries don't offer those icings anymore. When I see tiers of icing on wedding cakes they look so yummy. Can we still get butter cream icing cake?

Jan 28, 2010
Buttercream Rules!
by: Lorelie

Hi jpondry,

I have to agree I like good old fashioned buttercream too!

Although the trend right now seems to be fondant. I think that is partly due to the wedding cake contest and food network challenges.

I like fondant cake decorating, but I don't like when a cake no longer looks like a cake. I bet that butter cream will make a comeback in the near future!

Thanks for visiting my wedding cake website!

Mar 16, 2018
Cheesecake as Top Tier only??
by: Penny

I am making my daughter's wedding cake but a portion needs to be gluten free. I want to have the 6"top tier be a GF cheesecake but I am struggling with how to incorporate with the other tiers. The difference in height is only one issue 1) have you ever stacked cheesecakes?. I have also thought to raise the Cheesecake up rather than trying to disquise it but I would much rather have it be part of the the entire cake. Can you help me?

Apr 02, 2018

by: Lorelie

Penny, You can stack them with a little icing in between. That's is what I will be doing in May. I'm doing a whole wedding cake like that. Two layers of cheesecake for each tier.

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