Buy "The Complete Buttercream Guide"

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The Buttercream Guide is temporarily unavailable due to the fact that the platform I was using changed hands. Stay tuned as I figure out which platform to use to store my files for you to purchase. If you would like to reach out to me regarding this issue please use my contact page. 

This is a comprehensive guide to buttercream. Perfect for the professional baker looking to move into the space, or any baker making the cake for family or friends' special day. This guide will cover: 

  • Four classic buttercream recipes
  • Piping comparisons 
  • A guide to all the tools
  • How to frost a cake two ways and make it smooth 
  • Coloring, flavoring and troubleshooting 
  • Bonus videos
  • Access to me for a Q&A

Testimonials for The Complete Buttercream Guide

"I'm a novice cake decorator that is looking to venture into a career making cakes. I really needed to learn the basics and was so fortunate to find Lorelie Carvey, host of "Cakes with Lorelie". I took advantage of a course (The Buttercream Guide)  she was offering. It was very affordable, so I signed up. 

It was exactly what I was looking for to perfect my buttercream skills. The program is so easy to follow and she breaks it down so you understand it in detail. I strongly recommend this program if you want to improve your cake decorating and icing making skills"

~Joanne Khan~

"I always love how you teach. Your advice on the microwave being your friend has been a major "a-ha" for me!! Little things like positioning your body in reference to the cake you're working on!! This has been an issue for me, but I wasn't even aware why I was having problems!!! I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the content soon!!"

~Gloria Centofanti~, Owner, Glorious Cakes

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