My First Wedding Cake Ever!

by Caterina
(London, United Kingdom)

My Godson's fiance asked if I would make their wedding cake! I agreed as it was a huge honour to be asked but I was terrified as this is the first wedding cake I have ever made. I scoured the internet for the perfect chocolate cake recipe and found yours. I purchased your online book and I used your chocolate cake recipe. I made the letters ahead of time which was a good idea as they took ages to make. Nearer the time I made the cakes, ganached and filled all the cakes with dark chocolate ganache and then iced with ivory Massa Ticino icing and applied all the dragees by hand - which took me 8 hours. I didnt realise it would take that long and worked all through the night finishing the cake at 5am on the morning of the wedding. I had it delivered to the venue and put together by 9am. Rushed home, had 1 hour sleep, got ready and went to the wedding. Everyone that tasted it said it was the best chocolate cake they had ever tasted - So thank you VERY MUCH LORELIE for this amazing recipe!

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Dec 21, 2024

by: Lorelie

Thank you so much Caterina for your cake submission. I apoligize for the extreme lateness of this response. Im not sure what happenned there. Your cake is gorgeous and Im so happy that you used my book to help you with the recipe and construction of your first wedding cake. I'm curious if you have continued to make them. You are obviously passionate about it given the effort you put into this one. Thanks again.

Dec 21, 2024
What a fantastic cake! NEW
by: Sarah Smith

What an amazing looking cake. Unbelievable presentation and finish for a first cake! I can only imagine how amazing it tastes. What a lucky, lucky couple.

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