Homemade Caramel Icing

This sensational homemade caramel icing recipe has a fabulous fudge like consistency.

caramel frosting on a cupcake

You can use it as a filling or a frosting on cakes and cupcakes.

Try it with the buttermilk chocolate cake or a plain vanilla flavored cake. This also goes great with a spice cake.

Speaking of spices try the caramel icing spiced variation below the video.

There's also a sweet testimonial for you at the bottom of this page by a reader and some tips. 

Caramel Icing Recipe Video 

The video that I put together for you shows step-by-step how to make this recipe. Print the recipes from this page (print feature is at the bottom of the page. 


  • 1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar (6 ounces)
  • 3/4 cup milk or heavy cream )6 ounces)
  • 5 Tablespoons lightly salted butter (2.5 ounces)
  • 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (12 ounces) or to taste. You can start with less.


In a 2 quart saucepan, combine the sugar, milk, butter. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, boil for 2 full minutes. Remove from the heat and cool until comfy to touch. Stir in the sifted sugar and beat well until the icing reaches spreading consistency. 

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Click on the picture of Roxie to see how Wedding Cakes with Lorelie Step-by-Step will help you build confidence to create beautiful cakes and cherished memories. 

Impress your friends, family and customers with the same tried and true recipes that I have used with great success since 1985. The book comes with perks...

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Spiced Variation 

Prepare the caramel icing recipe, but substitute light brown sugar. After stirring in confectioners' sugar, add 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3/4 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 generous teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon each of ground ginger, nutmeg and allspice.

*If doubling the recipe do not double the spices, you may want to adjust the spices after you are finished to your taste.

This is a wonderfully spicy and aromatic icing which is perfect on a plain white, chocolate or butter cake. Pair it with a simple cake to highlight the frosting.

Credit for this recipe goes to "A Piece Of Cake"  now known as  "The Perfect Cake" by ~Susan G. Purdy~

Testimonial and Tips for the Caramel icing recipe

I've included a photo of the cake I made using your recipes. I was really pleased with the result & so was the person I made it for.

 Thanks for your great site and all your help along the way. Kind regards


Tip from Christina - When I made the caramel icing multiplied by 5  it was very liquid, even after the addition of the confectioners' sugar and beating in the mixer. There was no way it would thicken up enough to become a frosting.

I put it back on the heat and boiled it for 5 minutes. As it cooled it was then more syrupy. I then beat 500gm of butter in my mixer and slowly added ladles of the caramel mixture, using most of it. The resultant frosting was light, fluffy and delicious. It made a great finishing layer for my cake.

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This article was printed from Wedding-Cakes-For-You.com

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