3 tiered cakes?
by Tanya Machtaler
(Calgary, Canada)
This is what I want to do, but I am not sure how to tackle it. HELP!
What is the process of putting together 3 tiered cakes?
I am wanting to make a 3 tier 50th wedding anniversary cake. The bottom layer being 12' and 2 layers high(carrot) The middle 10' 2 layers and for the top I am wanting to make a cowboy hat out of a 8' 2 or 3 layers high (not sure)
I want the cowboy hat to look realistic. I was thinking of using a real cowboy hat, laying it upside down put some wax paper over the brim of the hat and laying the fondant over it and letting it harden.
My questions about this is, should I use fondant or gum paste or a mixture of both? How thick should I do the brim so that is doesn't crack? Or is there a better way of doing this?
I have watched your videos on youtube and I know to use straws to support each tier. The question I have about this is I am traveling 8 hours with it. Ahhh!!! How do I do this?
What's the best way to get it where its supposed to be with out pieces falling off? (Like the belt buckle or the or the brim of the hat cracking and breaking)
I am wondering if I should freeze before putting the fondant on. Is this a good idea or is it just going to cause moisture under the fondant and make for a gross cake?
I think that is all the questions I have right now. If I have some more I will email you. I need all the help I can get. Thanks so much